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Confirmation at Elim

Elim takes Christian Education to the next level through incorporating children and youth ages 3 though the 9th grade in its confirmation program.  From the time a child can begin to understand the stories of the bible they are invited to grow and mature in their faith through age appropriate education.  We do this by providing the following opportunities.


  • Three Year Olds - 2nd Grade: Each child receives "The Action Bible"'; a full color, hard covered, illustrated bible that is designed specifically for younger children.  It is our desire that parents and grandparents will see this as an opportunity to teach their children the stories of our faith through this bible.

  • 3rd Grade: Each 3rd grade student receives a copy of "The Hands On Bible".  They will use this bible throughout their confirmation years.  The week following receiving their bible they will be invited to a class where they will learn how to use their new bibles.

  • 4th Grade: Students will learn about the seasons of the church year and their meanings.

  • 5th Grade: Students meet to discuss the Sacrament of Holy Communion as they lead up to receiving their first communion.

  • 6th Grade: Students will learn what a sacrament is and learn about the Sacrament of Baptism.

  • 7th Grade: Students meet to study "The Foundations of Faith: the Story of Salvation as Found in the Bible."

  • 8th Grade: Students meet to learn about "Lutheranism".

  • 9th Grade: Students meet to discuss, "What Does It Mean to be a Christian?" 


Throughout their confirmation years there will be opportunities for students to do community projects and attend retreats (retreat options for grades 3-12)

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